
Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring


The Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) or Single Point Mooring (SPM) system is a buoy that performs the dual function of keeping a tanker moored and transferring fluids, from tanker to shore -and vice- versa- via a subsea pipeline, while allowing the ship to weathervane.

Providing a simple, economical solution to the challenge of loading and offloading, they are used for a variety of applications, water depths and vessel sizes ranging from small product carriers to Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC).

Our Expertise

CALM systems are securely anchored offshore, permitting cargo operations to continue in almost all weather and sea conditions. Floating hoses, which rotate around the SPM terminal with the tanker, connect the ship’s cargo manifolds to the SPM. Other hoses connect the underside of the SPM to the submarine pipelines at the seabed via a Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM).

Fast Track Project Halving Delivery Time

Fast4Ward® Buoy

Our experience and our know-how have made it possible to develop Fast4Ward® buoys.

The fast4Ward® program is a fast-track project gathering customer requirements, design standardization, exécution phase, supply chain integration ans enables digital solutions. These 5 key principles improve the reduction of cycle time, project de-risking and allow lower break- evens.

EPCI Expertise

Our designs and technology continuously evolve to meet the complex demands of the offshore terminals industry, allowing installation of our CALM buoys in increasingly deeper waters, facing harsher conditions and berthing larger tankers. Imodco’s terminal systems are bi-directional and capable of handling multiple fluid cargoes.

  • Our specialised teams accompany you from the early steps of your project and over the system’s lifetime
  • Turnkey model ensuring optimised synergies at all steps of the project
  • Customised solutions to meet the requirements of all clients (IOC, NOC’s, Refineries etc)
  • Management of multiple buoy projects
  • Systems designed to function safely and effectively in extreme conditions (ice, harsh waves, storms and typhoon zones)
  • Proven design on core equipment
  • Readily-available parts stock avoids lost time for operations
  • Buoys suitable for a wide range of applications: import and export of crude oil, LPG, jet fuel, heavy fuel oil minerals in slurry form (iron, sand or coal) and other, liquid products
  • Engineering

    • Best-in-class, innovative solutions to meet your import-export needs
    • State of the art numerical modelling tools
  • Procurement

    • Local sourcing expertise focusing on quality
    • Integrated Supply Chain with long standing relationship with industry leaders
    • Partner of choice for the full life cycle of your system
  • Engineering

    • Best-in-class, innovative solutions to meet your import-export needs
    • State of the art numerical modelling tools
  • Procurement

    • Local sourcing expertise focusing on quality
    • Integrated Supply Chain with long standing relationship with industry leaders
    • Partner of choice for the full life cycle of your system